Interviews of AHS

AHS and Giuseppe Festa of Lingalad in 2008 filming a documentary in South Dakota on the West and Native America. Photo by Francesco Piccioli.
“The Reach of the Rings” by Gina McIntyre, LIFE Magazine, special issue The Lord of the Rings: 20 Years on Film (December 2021)
“The Cultural Impacts of Harry Potter on the Next Generation” by Tiffany Gee Lewis, The Deseret News (November 2016)
“What J.K. Rowling’s New Story Can Teach Us About Cultural Appropriation” by Claire Fallon, The Huffington Post (March 2016)
“Amy H. Sturgis on the Force of Star Wars“ by Curtis Weyant, Signum Eagle (August 2015)
“Experience a Summer of Lovecraftian Revolution” by Ryan Joy, Signum Eagle (April 2015)
“Dr. Sturgis Goes to Loncon 3” by Curtis Weyant, Signum Eagle (July 2014)
“Harry Potter Still Working Magic at ‘Muggle’ Colleges through Classes, Clubs” by Sarah Smith, USA Today College (February 7, 2014)
“Tecumseh’s Integrity Attracted Warriors To His Cause” by Scott S. Smith, Investor’s Business Daily (February 24, 2012)
“Amy Sturgis on Liberty and Science Fiction” by Jeanne Hoffman, Prometheus: Liberty, Art, & Culture Vol. 29, No. 3 (Spring 2011)
“Amy Sturgis Keeps Busy Schedule Writing, Editing, Speaking” by Betty Stone, The Charlotte Observer (March 16, 2008)
“Author, Professor is Authority on Cherokee Indians and Tolkien” by Sarah Newell, Hickory Daily Record (February 17, 2008)
“Can Hurin Knock Harry Off His Broom?” by Wes Smith, The Orlando Sentinel (May 28, 2007)
“Fans on Pins and Needles: Putting revered tale to music sparks trepidation as clan plans to gather in Toronto this July” by Malene Arpe, The Toronto Star (March 24, 2006)
“Belmont University Partners With Narnia on Tour for Past Watchful Dragons Conference,” The Christian Post (November 2, 2005)
“Our Hunt for Heroes: Clearly, we’re stared for good-guy myths” by Douglas Brown, The Denver Post (November 2, 2005)
“Fantasy, Faith and C.S. Lewis” by Amelia Consedine, The Belmont Vision (April 29, 2005)
“Hobbits Gone Wrong” by Zach Dundas, Williamette Week (July 14, 2004)
“Prof Amy Sturgis on Tolkien’s Trail” by Chasity Ann Gunn, The Belmont Vision (December 5, 2003)
“Belmont Spotlights Hobbit History” by Craig Boerner, The City Paper (January 10, 2003)

AHS and Virginia, the world's most beautiful Boston Terrier. Photo by Larry M. Hall.
The Men Who Built America: The Frontiersmen interview of AHS as expert guest on Native American history, four-part documentary series, The History Channel (March 2018)
“Good and Evil in Star Wars“ interview of AHS by LearnLiberty as expert guest on Star Wars, YouTube (December 13, 2016)
“Star Wars Conspiracy: Behind the History” interview of AHS by LearnLiberty as expert guest on Star Wars, YouTube (January 22, 2016)
“Star Wars Conspiracy: Does Fear Cost Us Our Liberty?” interview of AHS by LearnLiberty as expert guest on Star Wars, YouTube (December 17, 2015)
“Is Dumbledore Death?” conversation with AHS and Dr. Kathryn N. McDaniel as part of “extra materials” for Harry Potter for Nerds II, Vimeo (December 4, 2015)
“‘Literary Copernicus’: Teaching Lovecraft” interview of AHS by The Lovecraft eZine as scholarly guest on H.P. Lovecraft, YouTube (April 26, 2015)
“Rise of the Mockingjay: From Ferguson to Hong Kong” interview of AHS by LearnLiberty as expert guest on dystopian fiction, YouTube (November 18, 2014)
“Is Katniss a Modern-Day Spartacus?” interview of AHS by LearnLiberty as expert guest on dystopian fiction, YouTube (December 3, 2013)
“The Expulsion of the Acadians” interview of AHS by LearnLiberty as expert guest on U.S. history, YouTube (May 26, 2012)
“Protest Against the Trail of Tears” interview of AHS by LearnLiberty as expert guest on U.S. history, YouTube (April 16, 2012)
“The Trail of Tears: They Knew It Was Wrong” interview of AHS by LearnLiberty as expert guest on U.S. history, YouTube (April 2, 2012)
“Forgotten Rebellion: Black Seminoles and the Largest Slave Revolt in U.S. History” interview of AHS by LearnLiberty as expert guest on U.S. history, YouTube (March 23, 2012)
“Andrew Jackson: The Imperial President” interview of AHS by LearnLiberty as expert guest on U.S. history, YouTube (May 6, 2011)
“The Spirit of the West and Native America” interview of AHS by Giuseppe Festa as expert guest for the documentary film Oltre la Frontiera, FILMAKER (May 23-25, 2008)
“Collector Showdown (“Fantasy” episode of television series), AHS scholarly interviewee and guest judge, High Fidelity HDTV Production (July 2, 2006)
“Frontier Compacts” 200 Years of Tennessee History (televised documentary), Coleman Teleproductions (Fall 1995)
“Speculative Fiction” interview as expert guest on S. Evan Townsend’s Speculative Fiction Cantina program, WriteStream Radio Network (April 15, 2016)
“Dystopias” interview as scholarly guest on Taylor Millard’s Saturday Night Cigar Lounge program, Vigilant Liberty Radio (September 6, 2014)
“The Harry Potter Phenomenon” interview as scholarly guest on Chattanooga’s Out and About in Chattanooga program, 88.1 WUTC Radio (July 15, 2011)
“The Subversiveness of Science Fiction” interview as scholarly guest on Louisville’s State of Affairs program, 89.3 WFPL Radio (August 31, 2009)
“Fantasy and Native America” interview as scholarly guest on Charlotte Talks with Mike Collins program, 90.7FM WFAE Radio (September 28, 2008)
“Wandering with Frodo and Dr. Amy Sturgis through Mirkwood Forest” interview as scholarly guest on Woodland Star Net Radio, BBS Radio (January 6, 2008)
“First American: Voices” interview as scholarly guest on First Talk with Hal Row program, 1290AM WHKY Radio (September 19, 2008)
“My Literary Life” interview as literary guest on Writers on Writing, KUCI Talk, Public Affairs Radio from the University of California, Irvine (February 24, 2006)
“The Middle-Earth – Hogwarts Connection” interview as scholarly guest on What Would Arwen Do? program, KUCI Talk, Public Affairs Radio from the University of California, Irvine (January 27, 2006)
“The End of Star Wars, But Not Its Fans” interview as scholarly guest on Talk of The Nation national program, National Public Radio (May 19, 2005)
“New Collection of Star Wars Essays Informs and Inspires” with The Dork Side of the Force (September 30, 2023)
“Star Trek: Essays Exploring the Final Frontier: A new volume from Amy Sturgis and Emily Strand” with The Farting Sofa Faculty Lounge (May 4, 2023)
“A new take on familiar entertainment” with Lenoir-Rhyne University News (November 4, 2022)
“Star Wars, Harry Potter, and More in the World of Academia” with Amy Richau, Nerdist (August 2020)
“Growing Up Star Wars“ with Paul Kennedy, Antique Trader (August 18, 2020)
“Writers on Movies” with Alex Ness, Poplitiko: Comic Books, Books, Film, Games (May 2019)
“Dr. Amy H. Sturgis: 365 Women of Star Wars Interview” with Amy Richau, 365 Days of Star Wars Women Project (September 2018)
“An Interview with StarShipSofa‘s Amy H. Sturgis” with Tony C. Smith, for Patreon Patrons of The District of Wonders, Patreon (January 2018)
“Amy H. Sturgis on The Intersection of Fantasy and Native America“ by Tim O’Shea, (December 2, 2009)
“Native America and Speculative Fiction: Interview with Amy H. Sturgis” by Randy Hoyt, Journey to the Sea (August 15, 2009)
“Science Fiction Primer: Interview with Amy H. Sturgis” by Randy Hoyt, Journey to the Sea (April 1, 2009)
“Amy H. Sturgis: Talking with Tim” by Tim O’Shea, (January 22, 2008)
“”A Great Writer, An Even Better Person” by Alex Ness, Pop Thought (January 2008)
“Catching up with Amy Sturgis: Imperishable Flame Award Winners Series” by Anthony Burdge, Heren Istarion: The Northeast Tolkien Society (September 30, 2007)
“Amy Sturgis Talks The Hobbit“ by Xoanon, (January 1, 2007)
“Magic Words: An Interview with Amy H. Sturgis” by Joe Crowe, Revolution Science Fiction (July 15, 2006)
“An Interview With Amy H. Sturgis” by Tim O’Shea, Pop Thought (April 2004)

AHS signing books at Broken Arrow High School in Broken Arrow, OK in 2007. Photo by Karen H. Sturgis.
- “Star Trek: Essays Exploring the Final Frontier,” interview of Emily Strand and Amy H. Sturgis by Dessy Vassileva for New Books Network: New Books in Popular Culture (September 2024)
- “Star Wars: Essays Exploring a Galaxy Far, Far Away,” interview of Emily Strand and Amy H. Sturgis by Irene Benavides for New Books Network: New Books in Film (May 2024)
- “Alexis de Tocqueville’s A Fortnight in the Wilderness,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by John D. Wilsey for Vital Remnants, Season 6, Episode 16 (May 2024)
- “‘Occult Knowledge’: Dark Academia,” interview of Beatrice Groves and Amy H. Sturgis by Kathryn N. McDaniel and Emily Strand for Potterversity, Episode 45 (January 2024)
- “Acafans: The Rigorous Study of Star Wars,” interview of Emily Strand and Amy H. Sturgis by Josh Bernhard for Trash Compactor: A Star Wars Podcast (January 2024)
- “Star Trek: Essays Exploring the Final Frontier and Star Wars: Essays Exploring A Galaxy Far, Far Away,” interview of Emily Strand and Amy H. Sturgis by Brad Browne and Jason Kaufman for Dice In Mind, Episode 106 (November 2023)
- “The Making of Star Wars: Essays Exploring A Galaxy Far, Far Away,” interview of Emily Strand and Amy H. Sturgis by Meg Dowell for Now This Is Lit: A Star Wars Books Podcast (October 2023)
- “Star Wars: Essays Exploring A Galaxy Far, Far Away,” interview of Emily Strand and Amy H. Sturgis by Jonny Mayner for Star Wars Book Community Podcast, Episode 21 (August 2023)
- “Star Wars: Essays Exploring A Galaxy Far, Far Away,” interview of Emily Strand and Amy H. Sturgis by Jessica Johnson for Rule the Galaxy, Episode 224 (August 2023)
- “Qui-Gon Jinn,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Elise Cedeño for Teaching with Magic (July 2023)
- “Star Trek: Essays Exploring the Final Frontier,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Ashley Thomas and Mike Slamer for We Are Starfleet: A Star Trek Podcast (May 2023)
- “Written in the Stars with Dr. Amy H. Sturgis,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Michael Boyce for Geek4, Episode 224 (February 2023)
- “RetroRockets with Amy Sturgis,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Andrea Johnson for RetroRockets: The Retro SciFi Podcast (June 2022)
- “My Tolkien Experience,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Luke Shelton for The Tolkien Experience, Episode 20 (September 2020)
- “Teaching the Force and Star Wars,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Marie-Claire Gould for What the Force? (August 2020)
- “My Star Wars Journey,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by David Triana for Followers of the Force, Your Star Wars Journey Episode 32 (July 2020)
- “How to Find Hope in Reading During a Pandemic,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Gary Gregg for The McConnell Center Podcast (June 2020)
- “Frankenstein,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by John J. Miller for The Great Books Podcast, Episode 84 (May 2019)
- “Harry Potter Festivals Which Must Not Be Named,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Katy McDaniel and Emily Strand for Reading, Writing, Rowling, Episode 17 (December 2018)
- “Fantasy, Imagination, and Indigenous Futurism,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Katy McDaniel and John Granger for Reading, Writing, Rowling, Episode 4 (November 2017)
- “What Indigenous Peoples in Star Wars Can Tell Us About Our Real World,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Devin Kleffer for Unmistakably Star Wars, Episode 107 (November 2017)
- “My Star Wars Story, interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Scott Ryfun for My Star Wars Story, Episode 25 (April 2017)
- “Harry Potter and the Indian in the Cupboard: J.K. Rowling and Native America,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Keith Hawk and John Granger for MuggleNet Academia, Episode 51 (September 2016)
- “District 9 3/4: Harry Potter and The Hunger Games: Critical Insights,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Keith Hawk and John Granger for MuggleNet Academia, Episode 45 (May 2016)
- “Lightsabers and Wands,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Keith Hawk and John Granger for MuggleNet Academia, Episode 41 (January 2016)
- “Dystopian Young Adult Sci-Fi and Fantasy,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Deanna Toxopeus and Gary Mitchel for RevCast, Roundtable 197 (May 2013)
- “One-Year Anniversary Spectacular Show,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Keith Hawk and John Granger for MuggleNet Academia, Episode 20 (April 2013)
- “Fairy Stories – Comparing Tolkien and Rowling Literature,” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Keith Hawk and John Granger for MuggleNet Academia (September 2012)
“Time Travel” interview of AHS by Tony C. Smith for StarShipSofa (July 2011)
“The Themes of Liberty in Firefly and Serenity” interview of AHS by Jeanne Hoffman for KosmosOnline (March 2011)
“Liberty and Science Fiction” interview of AHS by Jeanne Hoffman for KosmosOnline (February 2011)
“The Magic Ring and Chivalry,” interview of AHS by Scott Farrell for Chivalry Today, Number 43 (August 2010)
“Hugo Nomination Special 2” interview of Lawrence Santoro, Grant Stone, Jonathan Strahan, and AHS by Tony C. Smith for StarShipSofa: The Audio Science Fiction Magazine (April 2010)
“Gothic Literature and the Harry Potter Universe, Part 2″ interview of AHS by the Potter Pundits, including Travis Prinzi, John Granger, and James Thomas for PotterCast, The Official Podcast of The Leaky Cauldron (November 2009)
“Gothic Literature and the Harry Potter Universe, Part 1″ interview of AHS by the Potter Pundits, including Travis Prinzi, John Granger, and James Thomas for PotterCast, The Official Podcast of The Leaky Cauldron (Octpber 2009)
“This Week in Science Fiction” roundtable interview of Lawrence Santoro, Damien G. Walter, and Amy H. Sturgis by Tony C. Smith for The Sofanauts, Number 22 (August 2009)
“All the News from the World Science Fiction Convention” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Tony C. Smith for The Sofanauts, Number 17 (August 2009)
“Live from the 67th WorldCon” interview of Amy H. Sturgis by Tony C. Smith for StarShipSofa: The Audio Science Fiction Magazine, WorldCon Special (August 2009)
“This Week in Science Fiction” roundtable interview of Jeff VanderMeer, Damien G. Walter, and Amy H. Sturgis by Tony C. Smith for The Sofanauts, Number 13 (July 2009)
“This Week in Science Fiction” roundtable interview of Jeremiah Tolbert, Paul Raven Graham, and Amy H. Sturgis by Tony C. Smith for The Sofanauts, Number 6 (May 2009)
“Science Fiction and Me” interview of AHS by Tony C. Smith for the StarShipSofa: The Audio Science Fiction Magazine (September 2008)
“The State of the Field” interview of AHS by Stephen Euin Cobb for The Future and You Podcast (June 2008)
- Interview of Amy H. Sturgis by William Fliss, Archivist for the Tolkien Fandom Oral History Collection at Marquette University’s Department of Special Collections and University Archives (August 2020)