AHS’s Professional Honors

AHS preparing to accept the 2006 Imperishable Flame Award for Tolkien Scholarship from Lord of the Rings actors Craig Parker and Bruce Hopkins. Photo by Rosamunde Brownlocks
Best Magazine Review/Criticism/Column Award in the 57th Annual Southern California Journalism Awards
for “Not Your Parents’ Dystopias: Millennial Fondness for Worlds Gone Wrong” in Reason
from the Los Angeles Press Club
Great Graduate Award
from The Broken Arrow High School Alumni Association
The Sofanaut Award in Podcasting
for Best Fact Article Contributor
for AHS’s “History of the Genre” segments
from StarShipSofa: The Audio Science Fiction Magazine
The Sofanaut Award in Podcasting
for Best Fact Article Contributor
for AHS’s “History of the Genre” segments
from StarShipSofa: The Audio Science Fiction Magazine
Honorable Mention in the 50th Annual Southern California Journalism Awards
as Best Entertainment Review/Criticism/Column
for “Florida’s Forgotten Rebels: Rediscovering the Most Successful Slave Revolt in American History” in Reason
from the Los Angeles Press Club
The 2006 Imperishable Flame Award
for Accomplishment in Tolkien/Inklings Scholarship
from Heren Istarion, The Northeast Tolkien Society
(Inaugural Recipient of Award)
Finalist for The ORC Award
for Best Tolkien-Based Lecture or Paper Presented at an Academic Function
for “Harry Potter is a Hobbit: How J.R.R. Tolkien Put the Adult in Children’s Literature”
from ORC: The One Ring Celebration
Best Graduate Student Paper of 1995 Award
for “Essex and the People: Chivalry, Patriotism, and the Image of the Rebel Earl”
from The Carolinas Symposium on British Studies

AHS accepting the 2006 Imperishable Flame Award for Tolkien Scholarship from The Lord of the Rings film actors Craig Parker and Bruce Hopkins. Photo by Rosamunde Brownlocks.
Keynote Speaker for “Mythmoot VI: An Annual Speculative Literature Conference”
sponsored by Signum University
(Keynote Address: “Speculative Fiction as ‘Reflecting Shield’: Defying and Defining the Darkness”)
Credited as Researcher
for the SYFY Original documentary series Looking for Leia
Keynote Speaker for “Generic Magic Festival”
in Roanoke, Virginia
(Keynote Address: “Why We Need New Magic: Tolkien, Rowling, and Post-Potter Fantasy Literature,”)
Named One of 365 Notable Women of Star Wars (as Writer/Scholar)
from the 365 Days of Star Wars Women Project
Award for Best “Archeology and Society” Film
for the documentary Oltre la Frontiera (in which AHS co-stars)
from the 23rd International Film Festival in Rovereto, Italy
Hugo Award for Best Fanzine
for StarShipSofa: The Audio Science Fiction Magazine (to which AHS is a regular contributor)
from The World Science Fiction Society
Keynote Speaker for “Pandora’s Box: Pushing the Boundaries,” The Third Annual Symposium of English Studies
at Tennessee Tech University
(Keynote Address: “Pushing the Boundaries in English Studies: From Middle-Earth to Hogwarts”)
Notable Novel of 2006
for The Magic Ring by Baron de la Motte Fouqué (edited by AHS)
from The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror 2007 edited by Ellen Datlow, Kelly Link, and Gavin J. Grant
The Scholarly Guest of Honor for Mythcon XXXVII by The Mythopoeic Society
(Keynote Address: “Native America and Fantasy: Meeting at the Crossroads”)